Maybe I'm out of my depth, but do you think people can even survive without certainty/a narrative? Isn't that what makes the world intelligible in the first place? Without "what for?" the "what?" becomes just white noise - a bunch of trivia and factoids with no possible interpretation. Even the bodily senses of the world only have meaning through the evolutionary "telos" of survival of the fittest via trial-and-error, whether consciously recognized as such or not. Eg. a rabbit might not be conscious of this telos, but its smell, vision, hearing, interpretation, ie its entire phenomenology, is determined by this telos. Functionally, a "what for?" is inherently built into all of us from the ground up. And all this entirely within the empirical, scientific, kantian phenomenal realm.

So, in all this uncertainty, must there be and is there somewhere a backstop of intelligiblity, a narrative?

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